This is a very exciting and important time in your life! Becoming a father, whether it be for the first or subsequent time, is a life altering event which may cause you great excitement, curiosity, concern, even anxiety!
You may be wondering what you can do for your partner? What is a father's role during labor? During pregnancy you can cook and clean and after the birth you can add diapers into the mix! But what can you do for her during labor?
You may feel very anxious about labor. You might even feel uncomfortable about being there, but feel that expressing this doubt is simply unacceptable!
I want to assure you that your role during labor is very straightforward... You are the protector of the birth space. You hold together the space in which she faces her fears. Just BEING there with her means a great deal! Take the next step and protect her birth space. Help her achieve her dreams by not allowing others to change her mind for her and by limiting outside visits from family, friends, co-workers... This time is for the two of you and there will be plenty of time for visiting later!
Make sure you don't miss out on the quiet bonding that happens very shortly after delivery because this is the time that nature has intended for you, for her, and for your child. Best of luck!